Friday 16 November 2012

Oh What A Night 'Bus'

Arrived for my night bus and was well surprised.  It appeared that it had bunk beds, private reading lights, air con and blankets!  Well impressed.  I was given my seat (which was 2 seats) and I was well happy.  I was also doing a little prayer I would not have to share with anyone.

The guy on the left was my roomie to be
BAD LUCK!!!  The bus guy came over and told me another couple were about to get on and could I share with the guy opposite.  Oh least he was a bit fit.  I climbed over and said 'hey roomie!' he smirked and gave me the window bed..cheers mate!  He wasn't one for socialising.  I was thinking that if me and Mim/Louise were here right now we'd be getting pissed and having a laugh :(

Well, I just couldn't get comfortable at all.  He appeared not wanting to touch that I mean arm to arm or leg to leg coz everytime it happened he moved.  I thought...keep going mate, you'll fall out and I will piss myself laughing!!

I got to about 4am am everyone seemed to be asleep.  My ignorant bed buddy next to me was in a perfect spooning position so I thought 'fuck it mate, i'm joining ya'.  Although he kept his distance he probably never knew I was spooning him from behind unless he heard me snoring down his earhole hahahahaha!  It was the best 2 hours sleep I had all night.  In fact, i'm surprised at myself that I didn't snuggle him as I often sleep with a big teddy bear..... just not an ignorant french frog of a one.

Hey Roomie!.. yeah had no reply and looked like this...still!
When I arrived at my hostel I'd ordered breakfast and low and behold he showed up wanting a room.  I walked past him to the toilet and said 'hi there, you following me?'. He smiled then looked away. Knob.

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