Friday, 25 January 2013

Koh Phi Phi...once there you'll never leave!

Arrived Koh Phi Phi on the 16th Jan and had the intention of staying for 2 nights....7 nights later....

View from the hostel
On the first night I met a girl who stayed in my dorm in Bangkok for New Year can you believe!  We all ended up going out together....and the rest is history.  Our hostel 'Blanco Dorms' was great and turned out to be one of the best for meeting people and location.  It is right on the beach and next door to all the bars.  We headed up and they showed me the fire shows.  They were amazing.  Louise told me she had skipped over a skipping rope on fire and I could have a go later....AS IF!  I dont need any help to fall on my ass and I was definately not going to chance it with naked flames!  Off we went to to Thai Kickboxing which was fun but I was well on my way to being inebriated.  We went to a few more bars and the rest is a blur.

The gang
Woke up the next morning and jolted out of bed. MY BAG!!!! Where's my bag???!!!!  I was so upset.  I couldn't believe i'd lost it again.  The girls helped me look around the hostel and I looked up and down the beach.  I'd checked all my accounts and they hadn't been touched.  Luckily I had my spare currency card and headed over to the ATM to draw some cash out.  On the way I checked all the bars on the beach to see if by some miracle it had been handed in.  With no luck I got my cash out and started to head back.  I don't know what possessed me but I tried one more bar as a last resort.  When they pulled my bag out of the desk behind the bar I bursted into tears!!!  It was all there, cash, cards, camera, phone, everything.  I couldn't believe it.  I got back to the hostel and told the girls and owner and they all hugged me and cheered. The rest of the day was spent chilling out and I'd decided to stay in that night but extended my stay another 2 nights.  I wasn't done with Phi Phi yet.

The next day we went on a day trip with my new friends.  There was 6 of us and a great little group.  First we headed out (on a long boat) to Monkey Bay.  We got of for 5 minutes to take a few pictures thats all.  Next we headed to the Cliff Jumping area.  I wanted to try it since i'd done zip lining and whitewater rafting.  OMG! Never again!  The feeling was horrible and when the water hit my ass I thought I was gonna throw up. It was like having a reverse colonic! OUCH!  After we headed to the snorkelling area (which I gave a miss can you believe haha!) then to Maya Beach where they had filmed 'The Beach'.

Bricking it.....

That's were we attempted the pyramid and the photo jumping in the air.  Well funny!  Everyone was looking at us like we were loons and taking their own photos haha!  Later we headed to a beach cove to party.  We had neon paints done, a BBQ and music.  So much fun.  When we got back we headed out.  This would be the night of my first tattoo on Phi Phi.  I shoved 1000 Baht (£20) in my bra and left everything else at the hostel.  Another great night with the girls.  Wondered in about 4am with 3 feet tattooed on my groin and the words Phi Phi to commemorate my travels and what a great time I was 

First Phi Phi tattoo
BBQ time in the small cove

The next day was another chill out day.  It was great because our hostel was on the beach and facing the sea.  An amazing view to chill and upload pictures and get online.  Stayed in that night.

The next day (after extending my stay another 3 nights!) we decided to head to a small beach together.  It was gorgeous! We were gonna head to Monkey Beach but we couldn't take anything because the monkey's would have nicked everything.  All of a sudden a random monkey came out and strolled across the beach we grabbed our stuff quicktime.  At one point Janek was having a staring contest with it because it wanted his iphone.  Funny as.  

Monkey after Janek's phone
Nai Bay...pure paradise
We returned later and chilled for a bit before we hit the beach parties again.  Another fantastic night and ended up with another tattoo!  This time is was to commemorate my time at Temptation Resort in Mexico and got the logo on my foot.  That was it, my last one!  

Foot is not swollen don't worry...just the way the pic was taken
We'd found a giant penis on the beach next to Slinky's bar and took some hilarious pictures.  

Then the girls found a table to dance on so they all ran up and jumped on it.  It was my turn next.  I ran up tripped up and ended up face first sprawled on the bloody thing!  I couldn't move for laughing and neither could anyone else.  This was the reason, I told them, that I didn't jump through the ring of fire...can you imagine!  Another fantastic night.

The dreaded buckets...
Fire of many fire things to do
The next day was a chilled one again since I hadn't got in until 5am!  Another night off for me.

It was our last day and we went to book our ferry ticket for Koh Phangan for the next morning.  Again, we chilled in the day and contemplated going out for our last night on Phi Phi.  We swore we would have only 2 buckets between us and go home.  We headed out and had a walk through town.  The girls wanted their picture took with a small monkey.  It was so cute.  We walked off and I looked in my drink.  'What the fuck is that?' I pulled a lollipop out of my bucket and they burst out was the monkey's!  He obviously wanted a taste and lost it.  I pulled it out weeing myself laughing and gave it back to the monkey.  We spent the rest of the night laughing so much it hurt.  The kind when you cant breathe.

The Monkey with the lollipop
Laughing my make-up off....hilarious night
The next morning we woke and headed for the ferry to Krabi then bus to Surat Thani then the ferry to Koh Phangan via Koh Samui.  It was a long ass day....especially with a hangover that wasn't supposed to happen from the night before....3/4 buckets later.  Whoops!

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