FFS Tracy....remember, do not put bog roll down the toilet!!
I tell ya, the amount of times I've had to go fishing for my own bog roll in the toilet since i've been here! The alternative....blocked toilet with everyone else's fluids and solids in there and 3 days to get it cleared, the alternative, find a public toilet (see below).
Well 18 hours on a train wasn't so bad providing you didn't need to toilet. Went before I got on the train as you do and to my horror......................
...........yep a hole in the ground with no toilet roll or any rails to hold onto for that matter.
The train ride continued. Stocked up on snacks and plenty of water for the journey ahead. Drinking and snacking away happily my bladder decided to give me THE sign. So, off I went on my merry way to the toilet. I prayed that it had a proper toilet but who was I kidding, I was in cattle class with all the locals so...when in China.
From then on I decided that not one bit of food or drink was to pass my mouth until I arrived the following day 15 hours later to see if I could hold it.
Woke in the morning (4am) with THE urge. The ultimate of all wee's.. THE morning emptying of the bladder. I held and held (have a pretty strong bladder I must say) and held. A few hours later even the locals wouldn't go in the hole in the floor behind the door. What could be THAT bad????? It got to an hour before arriving (that's 7 hours holding by the way) and I they started going in again so I thought must be ok. I mean, I know what to expect. I had hand sanitizer and pocket tissues at the ready. I even had my toilet pack I bought from gap year but there was no toilet seat to put the toilet seat cover on!
Here goes....OMGGGGGGG!!!!!! It was vile! The flusher had stopped working and there was shit floating in a bowl full of piss! GEP GEP GEP....throw up and GEP some more. Well, I was committed now. My bladder was laughing, ready for the ride of its life.
Finally got to my hostel and I was sooooo happy. A proper toilet, in my room, all nice and clean and shiny and with toilet roll. This was the one time I actually WANTED to hug the porcelain bus.
I tell ya, the amount of times I've had to go fishing for my own bog roll in the toilet since i've been here! The alternative....blocked toilet with everyone else's fluids and solids in there and 3 days to get it cleared, the alternative, find a public toilet (see below).
Well 18 hours on a train wasn't so bad providing you didn't need to toilet. Went before I got on the train as you do and to my horror......................
...........yep a hole in the ground with no toilet roll or any rails to hold onto for that matter.
The train ride continued. Stocked up on snacks and plenty of water for the journey ahead. Drinking and snacking away happily my bladder decided to give me THE sign. So, off I went on my merry way to the toilet. I prayed that it had a proper toilet but who was I kidding, I was in cattle class with all the locals so...when in China.
From then on I decided that not one bit of food or drink was to pass my mouth until I arrived the following day 15 hours later to see if I could hold it.
Woke in the morning (4am) with THE urge. The ultimate of all wee's.. THE morning emptying of the bladder. I held and held (have a pretty strong bladder I must say) and held. A few hours later even the locals wouldn't go in the hole in the floor behind the door. What could be THAT bad????? It got to an hour before arriving (that's 7 hours holding by the way) and I they started going in again so I thought must be ok. I mean, I know what to expect. I had hand sanitizer and pocket tissues at the ready. I even had my toilet pack I bought from gap year but there was no toilet seat to put the toilet seat cover on!
Here goes....OMGGGGGGG!!!!!! It was vile! The flusher had stopped working and there was shit floating in a bowl full of piss! GEP GEP GEP....throw up and GEP some more. Well, I was committed now. My bladder was laughing, ready for the ride of its life.
Finally got to my hostel and I was sooooo happy. A proper toilet, in my room, all nice and clean and shiny and with toilet roll. This was the one time I actually WANTED to hug the porcelain bus.
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